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The 2006 revolution

In 2006, David LAX and Jim SEBENIUS pubished their work "3D Negotiation". The method they propose is standard with international companies and with private equity players in particular.

The three dimensions of the deal

To each deal, there are three dimensions.

  • D1 (At the table) is essentially the tactical activity at the table.
  • D2 (Away from the table) concerns the way the deal is framed and designed. We call it the "drawing board" and as always: if the situation is bad, back to the drawing board!
  • D3 is the "setup" of the deal : people, organisations, interests ... A 3D scan will reveal possibilities you would never have thought of.

And ... a problem in one dimension can be resolved in another. An art. Our passion.

1D tactics

At the table

The traditional way of negotiating has been perfected since "Getting to Yes". We can only give the classical principles.

Focus on interests, not positions

The "classical" negotiation focuses on the position and tries to convince the other party of its value - which, bluntly sais, will almost never work. A trained negotiator will see to his own interests and value the interests of the other party in order to reach a beal that is profitable for both sides.

Preparation is king

"Well, let’s hear what they propose". You might just as well say "Take me to the slaughter". We will teach you how to prepare for battle, or be at your side when it matters.


BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Solution) is the key to power at the negotiating table. It is a "plan B" which varies and can be improved in due course. We will help you determine your BATNA, improve it, guess the other side’s BATNA (and deteriorate it, that’s the naughty part).

Walkaway point, reservation value, ZOPA

The walkaway point (indien in geld uitgedrukt, reservation value) is the least advantageous point where you still want to agree. If the other party also has a walkaway point or a reservation value, we will see a ZOPA (Zone of Possible Agreement).


Anchoring (making the first offer) is an art of its own, the turning point in every negotiation.

Manipulative techniques

A lot of manipulative techniques are employed at the negotiation table ("good cop- bad cop" is the best known). We will teach and help you defensive techniques and counter-attacks.

2D Deal design

Framing the deal

A deal can be good for both - but the other side can’t agree in this form, or they are unable to "sell" it to their people. That’s where we come in to frame the deal for the final "yes".

Negotiating or auctioning?

Negotiating with one interested party or getting others involved? How to deal with offers? How about ending the auctioning process?
In fact: getting a good / better / excellent price for the asset?
Or ... how to pay a decent / not exaggerated / bottom price?
A real art, and our passion.

Good for you, great for me

After creating value, the value has to be divided and nothing forbids you to take the lion’s share.

3D Setup

The third dimension is the architecture of the deal : the parties, the interests, sequence and basic process choices.

The right parties

The parties at the table are not the only stakeholders. Others will be able to help the deal, or block it, or have to execute it. They must be taken into account.

The right interests

All interests have to be mapped. Some parties are potential allies, others are likely to block and have to be taken care of.

The right sequence

Approaching parties in the right order is subject to a "battle plan".


Are you interested in our approach? Feel free to contact us.
We are happy to make time for you!

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